Shuttling Hospital & Medical Staff

The last thing hospital and medical personnel should have to worry about are how they’ll get to work during these difficult times. By booking a shuttle bus service for medical workers and hospitals you will help them eliminate one of the top sources of stress for your nurses, doctors, physical therapists, and office staff to carry them to the hospital or clinic each day.  Maxicab And Mini Bus Charter Services have experience in setting up long-term shuttle services, and we can help your team find the buses you need when you call us at Hotline +65 8053 7029.

Have greater and better direct control of health and safety measures.

You have no direct control over whether other people wear masks, how often the train or bus seats are sanitized, or how close people will sit or stand in a public transport system. Our private shuttle bus service for medical workers and hospitals offers you the ability to set your own regulations.

Impose a mandatory requirement on your personnel/passengers to wear masks and receive temperature checks, ask your driver to sanitize at the end of each trip, or request a 50-person bus even if you only need to transport 25 people so everyone has ample room to social distance. Your driver will always wear a mask and make sure the bus gets cleaned, and your team will only be exposed to people they already work with instead of to hundreds of strangers.

Accommodate your medical workers by customizing their travel routes and schedules.

Public transportation more often than not serves the center of cities but doesn’t extend fully into the outskirts or suburbs. With our shuttle bus service for medical workers and healthcare personnel, you can create your own route and pick up employees even if they don’t live in downtown Singapore.

Usually, public transport is often designed to accommodate 9-5 work schedules. Far more buses or trains will run at 7:30 a.m. or 5 p.m. than at midnight or 4 a.m. But hospitals and specialist clinics don’t work on a 9-5 schedule. A private shuttle bus service can accommodate shifts that start and end at any time. Just let us know when you need transportation, and we’ll provide it.

Ensure your transportation is accessible to every team member.

Navigating train and bus stations can be tricky and time-consuming, you can ensure that every member of your team is easily and conveniently accessible to private bus shuttle transportation services.

The buses in our network also come with ample storage space that gives workers the opportunity to place backpacks and bags above their heads or baggage compartments and stretch out their legs.

Let every staff relax after an exhausting shift.

Even when the world is normal, 12-hour shifts are difficult for frontline medical staff and a pandemic is certainly not normal. You and your medical coworkers deserve to relax on the way to and from work, and Maxicab And Mini Bus Charters can help with amenities like reclining seats and free WiFi. Instead of battling traffic or squeezing onto a crowded train, you can lean back in a plush seat, shut your eyes, and listen to your favorite music or podcast without burning through your data.

Show your medical staff you appreciate them with a shuttle bus service.

Medical and hospital workers deserve as much comfort as possible during this physically and emotionally draining time. A shuttle service can help you say “thank you” by removing the stress of commuting by car or public transportation. Your employees can get picked up where they live and climb back onto a comfortable, clean, private bus once their shift is over. If you’d like to show your coworkers how much they mean to you, call Maxicab And Mini Bus Charters at +65 8053 7029 to book a private shuttle bus service for medical workers today.

Getting started with shuttle bus service for medical workers?

If you’re looking to rent a shuttle bus but you’re not sure where to begin, email or call us for discussions and quotes.

Our reservation specialists are available 24/7 to help guide you through the rental process. Give us a call today at +65 8053 7029 to secure transportation for your next trip!

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minibus rental wiith driver
private mini bus for hire with driver

Contact Us Today!



Location :

Branch Office:
43 Teban Gardens Road, #04-391
Singapore 600043

Main Office:
The Metropolis Tower 2 #08-09,
11 North Buona Vista Drive,
Singapore 138589

Please Fill In The Forms Below :

Contact Us
**Example : +65 8121 2547 (Include Country Code)
**Important Note : If you are making an online booking please include the followings in the message box :
  • 1) Time And Date Of Pick-Up And Return
  • 2) Drop Off And Pick Up Points (including extra stops if any)
  • 3) Number Of Passengers (Example : 4 Adults, 2 Children)
  • 4) Number Of Big And Small Luggage ( Example : 4 Big, 3 Small, 1 Pram, 1 Bicycle, 1 40 inch TV etc)
  • 5) Flight Number And ETA for Arrivals Only